The new 3 Ps of customer experience in retailing

Retail- 11.04.2023

When we think about what constitutes the customer experience, we can narrow it down to the 3 Ps: People, Product, and the newcomer to the group, Presentation.

Why presentation? While process is and will continue to be an important element in delivering a great experience, it is not something that customers technically see when they visit your store. We believe what customers see, hear and feel greatly influences the customer experience, which is why we are introducing Presentation as the new third P.

When a customer walks through your door, the first things they see are your products, the [store’s] presentation and your people [staff]. The connection to

the customer experience is made by how these 3 P’s make them feel during their shopping journey. As Dr. Maya Angelou’s famous quote goes, “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

If you want to improve your customer experience – and you should in these tough economic times – you need to identify what affects each P and which actions will give you the fastest and most impactful improvements. After all, customer experience can be a differentiator when price competition and intensified competition hit you.

Use customer feedback to improve operations

In tough times, speed is also essential. Therefore, you need to be able to take action quickly to improve your operations and keep your customers happy. But fast should not be arbitrary. Actions must be data-driven, informed, and focused on your key target segments to really make a difference. It’s a surefire way to win over the competition.

So how do you make quick but meaningful operational improvements? You need feedback that is easy to understand. When you look at the feedback, know the following: Are your people [staff] well trained? Do your product offerings meet customer needs? Are customers put off by the presentation of your store?

The new 3 Ps: People, Product, Presentation

Let’s delve into the 3 Ps:


When you think about people – or your staff – there can be several things that affect the customer experience, which is why it is imperative that you understand the core problem so you can figure out how to solve it.

Let’s say customers leave dissatisfied feedback about the speed of service. This will prompt you to examine your schedule and number of visitors to discover possible correlating factors, such as insufficient staffing at peak times of the day or day of the week to provide prompt customer service.

Another example is negative feedback from customers about staff knowledge, which means that the level of expertise is a problem. In this case, initiating

training programs will not only help solve the customer experience problem, but also be a motivational tool for employees by investing in them.

The most important thing is to ensure that your team feels able and empowered to provide great service to your customers every time.



Customer feedback can also provide insight into problems with your products. Typically, categories of product-related problems come down to availability, quality, price, or that the product simply no longer meets the values of your key target customer segments.

Reliable data will help you determine where to start and what actions to take. For example, it could be as simple as rearranging your merchandise or adjusting inventory levels. Alternatively, you may need to reassess your positioning or conduct new market research on the products your target audiences prefer and revamp your product selection.

Whatever the reasons, and the actions you take should be based on insights gained through customer experience feedback.


Sometimes, even if your staff’s service is excellent and you have the perfect products for your customer base, it is necessary not to underestimate the impact of presentation on the customer experience.

Store layout, product displays, cleanliness of facilities, clarity of price tags, visibility of special offers, or other practical issues can ruin the experience and turn customers away. You want to make sure your store is inviting, clean, and easy to navigate so that customers can quickly find what they need (and maybe a little more!) and want to come back again and again.

Also remember that these things may be valued differently by different customer segments, and so it’s about knowing what

see your key target customers as the main drivers for visiting and returning to your store.

How HappyOrNot helps

We at HappyOrNot are passionate about customer experience and have been serving retailers around the world for years by providing them with immediate and actionable customer feedback.

Our solution reveals the highlights and pain points of your service performance. It tells you what happened, when it happened, where it happened, why it’s important and with whom it happened. By giving your employees this information, they can take responsibility, meet customer expectations and deliver great experiences that keep your customers coming back!

Want to know more? Contact us today!