The HappyOrNot effect
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Customer experience -10.02.2022

The HappyOrNot effect

How do you turn customer feedback into customer success?

Customer experience matters, we all know that. In fact, it matters so much that when consumers have a very good CX, they are willing to pay up to 16% more for products and services. This comes on top of increased loyalty.

How do you know exactly how your customers perceive your service, and how do you improve it? There’s one true way: ask immediately and on the spot, so you don’t lose valuable feedback. Whether the experience takes place in-store or online doesn’t matter. Feedback only works if it is easy, intuitive and attractive to give at the exact time and place where the experience took place.

At, we help our clients get more relevant and actionable feedback about their customers’ experiences and use that insight to improve customer satisfaction, build loyalty and improve business performance. Dealing with negative feedback and using it to improve future performance, as well as celebrating the success of positive feedback, have a significant effect on customer satisfaction scores.

The HappyOrNot effect

What is the HappyOrNot effect? Simply put, this is the creation of happiness, per Smiley. With those Smileys together, you get actionable insights that help you increase customer satisfaction and thus improve your business.

What does that mean in terms of ROI? During the first 12 months of implementing HappyOrNot, our customers have seen the number of dissatisfied customers drop by an average of 30%, making them happy customers. And, not only do customers who had the best experience spend 140% more, excelling in customer experience can help you grow your revenue 4-8% above the market.

One of our clients, Knox Community Hospital, was able to reduce overall patient dissatisfaction by 33% in just six months. As Carson O`Neill, Operations Coordinator of Physician Services puts it, “HappyOrNot has allowed us at Knox Community Hospital to look at our days from a whole new and different perspective. Today, our physicians, nurses and staff have the ability to hear from our patients at lightning speed and address any issues before the day is even over.”


Knowing where you stand

Want to stand out from the crowd? Then you must first look around to see where you stand.

If companies want to position themselves or improve, they can take their industry as a reference and set goals. With our long experience and broad penetration of the market -1.6 billion feedbacks collected and analyzed to date from 4,000 clients-we can provide the meaningful comparison data our clients need.

For example, on average across all industries, the typical amount of positive feedback (the benchmark for customer satisfaction) is 89%. But to reach the top 10 companies, you need to reach 97% positive feedback. This can only be done by analyzing the causes of any problems.

Vendor Connolly SPAR receives an average of 1,500 customer responses each week through the Smiley Terminals in their stores and has achieved an impressive benchmark of 98% customer satisfaction (and a Happy Index score of 96) – putting them well above the retail standard of 89% and in the top 10% of their industry. Susan Connolly, sales director at Connolly SPAR explains: “We need to stay relevant to our customers – to be relevant is to always be ahead of the competition.”

How do you build consistency in your network?

When building your brand, it’s important to stay consistent. Your customers expect the same experience at all your locations – even online. So if there are problems in any area, you need to be able to identify those problems and act quickly.

For example, our retail client XXL discovered that one store was performing worse than the others and it was calculated that the store could lose more than 84,000 euros in the next 12 months if they did not take steps to resolve customer dissatisfaction. “We now have a clearer view of this type of situation, thanks to the data we get from our HappyOrNot set-up,” said Kenneth G. Sørensen, Operations and Business Development Manager, XXL. “This particular store is a success story for us in this scenario. The store’s staff and management actually doubled the number of satisfied customers, despite a lack of stock for a particular item at the time. We can attribute these satisfied customers to the data we receive from HappyOrNot.”


Want your share of customer success? Visit our website to learn more, or contact us for more information.