How to ask customers for feedback [10 proven methods]

Experience of customers. 07.07.2023 Translated by:

How to ask customers for feedback [10 proven methods]

Asking for feedback from customers is not just a courtesy, but a strategic move that can greatly benefit your business.

By actively seeking feedback from customers, businesses demonstrate their commitment to customer satisfaction and show that they value the opinions and experiences of their customers. In this article, we will discuss 10 proven methods to make it easy for customers to share feedback.

Why customer feedback is important

By collecting feedback from customers, businesses can engage in a dialogue with their customers and show that their opinions and experiences matter. When customers feel heard and valued, they are more likely to develop a sense of loyalty and maintain a strong relationship with the brand.

Customer feedback is not only beneficial for existing customers, but also crucial for attracting potential customers. Positive feedback shared on social media channels, review platforms, or through word-of-mouth can influence the purchasing decisions of others.

On the other hand, addressing negative comments and promptly resolving issues with customers can demonstrate a commitment to customer satisfaction and turn dissatisfied customers into loyal advocates.


5 ways to maximize the value of customer feedback

To maximize the value of customer feedback, businesses need to adopt a strategic approach to effectively collect and use it. Here are some key steps to get the most out of customer feedback:


          1. Collect satisfaction feedback through multiple channels

Use customer satisfaction surveys, feedback forms, and other methods to gather feedback from your customers. Make it easy for them to leave feedback by offering convenient options such as email surveys for customers, live chat sessions, or dedicated feedback forms on your website.

2. Analyze and gain insights

Once you have collected feedback, it’s important to analyze it thoroughly to gain meaningful insights. Look for patterns, trends, and common themes in the feedback to identify areas for improvement or opportunities to enhance the customer experience.

3. Take immediate action after collecting customer feedback

Respond promptly to customer feedback, especially when customers express their concerns or dissatisfaction. By responding promptly to their feedback, you show that you value their input and are committed to addressing any issues.

4. Implement changes

Use the valuable information from customer feedback to improve your products, services, and overall customer experience. Whether it’s enhancing the functionality of your app, refining your customer journey, or providing better customer support, implementing changes based on feedback can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

5. Continuously seek feedback

Customer feedback is an ongoing process, and it’s essential to consistently ask for customer feedback to stay connected with your customers’ evolving needs.


5 ways to make it easy for customers to share feedback

By implementing these strategies, businesses can make it easier for customers to share feedback, resulting in higher response rates and a better understanding of customer insights. This valuable feedback can drive improvements, increase customer loyalty, and attract new customers by demonstrating a commitment to continually enhancing the customer experience.

1. Make it in-the-moment

Provide customers with a way to leave feedback precisely at the time and place of their experience. When the experience is still fresh in their memory and they can share their feedback immediately, the insights you gather are more accurate and reliable for taking prompt and effective actions.

2. Simplify the feedback process

Make it quick and easy for customers to share their feedback by streamlining the process. Use a concise feedback method with clear, straightforward survey questions that don’t require much time or effort.

3. Offer multiple feedback channels

Provide customers with different options to share their feedback, both in-store and online. Offer digital methods such as email surveys, online feedback forms, or live chat sessions, and physical methods such as in-moment feedback kiosks to cater to different preferences and engage customers across all channels.

4. Request feedback at various touchpoints

Ask for feedback when customers are in-the-moment and already have valuable insights. This could be after a purchase at the checkout, after a support interaction, or after a service is completed. Timing is crucial, so request feedback when the experience is still fresh in their memory.

5. Keep feedback surveys concise

Avoid overwhelming customers with lengthy feedback forms or surveys. Ask for information that is truly essential to gather the insights you need. Lengthy surveys can cause unnecessary friction, incomplete or disingenuous feedback, and lower response rates. Instead, prioritize the quality of questions over quantity to encourage higher participation and more meaningful responses.

5 things to avoid when asking for customer feedback

When collecting customer feedback, it’s important to approach the process carefully and avoid certain pitfalls that could hinder the effectiveness of your efforts. Here are five things to avoid when asking for customer feedback:

1. Lengthy and complex surveys

Avoid overwhelming customers with long and complicated surveys. Keep the questions concise and focused on gathering the most relevant information. Long surveys can cause unnecessary resistance, incomplete or insincere feedback, and lower response rates. Instead, prioritize the quality of the questions over quantity to encourage higher participation and more meaningful responses.

2. Vague or suggestive questions

Be cautious with the wording and structure of your questions. Avoid using vague or suggestive questions that can influence the answers or confuse customers. Ensure your questions are clear, specific, and free from potential biases. This allows customers to provide honest feedback, which is essential for obtaining accurate insights.

3. Not capturing feedback in real-time

Capturing feedback at the exact moment and place of the experience is essential for various reasons. It not only provides authentic and accurate feedback insights but can also help prevent the escalation of unintended dissatisfaction by giving customers the opportunity to share their negative feedback immediately, rather than expressing it on other platforms or to friends and family.

4. Neglecting to take action on feedback

 Following up on the previous point, customers appreciate when their feedback is acknowledged and followed up on. Avoid the mistake of collecting feedback without taking appropriate action. When customers take the time to provide their insights, show that their feedback is valued by implementing meaningful changes based on their suggestions.

5. Not providing feedback follow-up

After customers have shared their feedback, it’s essential to close the loop and provide follow-up communication. Avoid leaving customers in the dark after they have provided their input. Whether it’s a thank-you message, an update on the changes made based on their feedback, or simply letting them know their feedback was received, providing follow-up demonstrates your commitment to their satisfaction and enhances the overall feedback experience.



Businesses can foster stronger customer relationships and drive positive outcomes by following proven methods like simplifying the feedback process, offering multiple channels, using visual feedback methods, requesting feedback at appropriate touchpoints, and continuously seeking feedback.

Frequently asked questions 

How do visual feedback surveys save time for customers and businesses?

Visual feedback surveys save time by allowing customers to express their opinions and sentiments quickly and easily through visuals like images or emojis. Instead of typing lengthy responses, customers can provide feedback with a simple click or tap, making the process more efficient for both parties.

Why are HappyOrNot smiley faces appealing for customer feedback?

HappyOrNot smiley faces simplify the feedback process by minimizing the need for customers to describe their experience with words (although open text is available for those customers who wish to share more). These intuitive smiley face icons range from extremely happy (dark green) to extremely unhappy (dark red), making it easier, intuitive, and more appealing for customers to provide feedback at a glance.

How do pop-ups make it easy to collect feedback?

Pop-ups present feedback requests to customers at opportune moments without disrupting their browsing experience. By using unobtrusive windows that display visual elements like smiley faces or rating scales, pop-ups offer a convenient and hassle-free way for customers to express their opinions and submit feedback.

Why is obtaining qualitative feedback important for businesses?

Qualitative feedback provides in-depth insights into customer experiences, preferences, and pain points. It goes beyond numerical data, offering businesses valuable information and context to make informed decisions, improve products and services, and enhance customer experience.

How to ask feedback from customers in a way that drives insights?

Businesses can gain valuable insights into their customers’ needs, preferences, and expectations by analyzing and synthesizing customer feedback. This insight allows companies to make data-driven decisions, identify areas for improvement, and align their strategies to better serve their target audience.