Coronavirus emphasizes that companies must stay focused on what matters most: their customers

Bron: Forbes, Heikki Väänänen


The year 2020 can already be easily summed up by saying that “a lot has happened in a short time. In many ways, the world has undergone cataclysmic change, and almost all businesses have had to adapt quickly and dramatically to stay afloat.

In times of crisis, a customer’s interaction with a company can have an immediate and long-lasting effect on their sense of trust and loyalty. As global efforts to keep the economy’s head above water continue, many companies try to operate with a “business as usual” mentality to return to “normality” as quickly as possible.

However, the unfortunate truth is that many companies are simply not operating in the same way they did before February. In the wake of The CXPA’s CX Day, it has become clear that the customer experience has been turned on its head, with many companies forced to implement new – and sometimes unusual – strategies entirely in the interest of their customers’ safety, including temperature controls on entry, enforcing mask mandates and limiting the number of customers allowed on the premises.

As habits and behaviors continue to change, it will become increasingly important for companies of all sizes to focus on the customer experience. Despite social and economic uncertainty, this will be one of the most important decisions a company can make during the pandemic and beyond.

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Data is your friend

When looking at customer experience, companies rely heavily on data. This data can come from many different places and in many different forms, but customer experience data is and will continue to drive positive operational changes within a company.

In contrast, it can sometimes be difficult to determine which facets of the data to respond to. Companies will often make the mistake of collecting a lot of data and making numerous changes in an effort to try to make everyone happy at once. This may work for some companies, but it is an age-old fact that just because you are quick off the mark does not immediately mean you will win the race.

To make customer experience data truly useful, assessments must be made to discover where the biggest pain points are and which areas should be prioritized. Only through intelligent analysis can this data be used to improve the customer experience where it matters and guide business leaders so they can implement strategies that will positively impact the business and, most importantly, the customers, in the long run.

Follow your customer’s journey

Companies that want to make the most of their customer experience must also assess the different ways a customer might shop with them. During the pandemic, for example, digital services have become a basic need for consumers. Simple activities such as a trip to the store or eating out with friends have become increasingly difficult and, in some cases, outlawed altogether.

According to a February 2020 McKinsey study, in China, there has been a 55 percent increase in consumers planning to permanently switch to online shopping and a three to six percent increase in overall e-commerce penetration in the wake of COVID-19. With more consumers favoring online shopping, it is up to retailers to adapt and focus on having an omni-channel view of the business so they can deliver the services customers want, when and, importantly, where they want them.

Customer expectations change every day, and they can still differ significantly between online and in-store. Companies must ensure that regardless of how customers choose to store, the experience is optimal. By having a comprehensive understanding of both the online and in-store shopping experience, companies can gain actionable insight and implement calculated and well-thought-out strategies regardless of whether the customer is looking for online support, doing a competitive price comparison before visiting their local store or making an in-person purchase. Ultimately, this will enable companies to improve existing infrastructures and, most importantly, keep customers happy.

Keep your finger on the pulse

Understanding what does and does not work for customers, from feedback from these same customers, is essential, but it is also important to engage with the shop floor staff who must interact with customers on a daily basis. They can offer concrete internal information about what is and isn’t working – and more than that, they often have the most practical and realistic ideas about what and how to improve.

Customer experience has taken a new shape, and COVID-19 has forced many companies to reassess their knowledge and make decisions at an unprecedented pace. While the whirlwind of pandemic-induced change is unlikely to abate soon, companies must remain focused on what really matters: the customer – if they are to successfully navigate the ever-evolving commercial landscape and weather this crisis.