How to ask customers for feedback [10 proven methods]

Experience of customers. 07.07.2023 Translated by:

How to ask customers for feedback [10 proven methods]

Asking for feedback from customers is not just a courtesy, but a strategic move that can greatly benefit your business.

By actively seeking feedback from customers, businesses demonstrate their commitment to customer satisfaction and show that they value the opinions and experiences of their customers. In this article, we will discuss 10 proven methods to make it easy for customers to share feedback.

Why customer feedback is important

By collecting feedback from customers, businesses can engage in a dialogue with their customers and show that their opinions and experiences matter. When customers feel heard and valued, they are more likely to develop a sense of loyalty and maintain a strong relationship with the brand.

Customer feedback is not only beneficial for existing customers, but also crucial for attracting potential customers. Positive feedback shared on social media channels, review platforms, or through word-of-mouth can influence the purchasing decisions of others.

On the other hand, addressing negative comments and promptly resolving issues with customers can demonstrate a commitment to customer satisfaction and turn dissatisfied customers into loyal advocates.


5 ways to maximize the value of customer feedback

To maximize the value of customer feedback, businesses need to adopt a strategic approach to effectively collect and use it. Here are some key steps to get the most out of customer feedback:


          1. Collect satisfaction feedback through multiple channels

Use customer satisfaction surveys, feedback forms, and other methods to gather feedback from your customers. Make it easy for them to leave feedback by offering convenient options such as email surveys for customers, live chat sessions, or dedicated feedback forms on your website.

2. Analyze and gain insights

Once you have collected feedback, it’s important to analyze it thoroughly to gain meaningful insights. Look for patterns, trends, and common themes in the feedback to identify areas for improvement or opportunities to enhance the customer experience.

3. Take immediate action after collecting customer feedback

Respond promptly to customer feedback, especially when customers express their concerns or dissatisfaction. By responding promptly to their feedback, you show that you value their input and are committed to addressing any issues.

4. Implement changes

Use the valuable information from customer feedback to improve your products, services, and overall customer experience. Whether it’s enhancing the functionality of your app, refining your customer journey, or providing better customer support, implementing changes based on feedback can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

5. Continuously seek feedback

Customer feedback is an ongoing process, and it’s essential to consistently ask for customer feedback to stay connected with your customers’ evolving needs.


5 ways to make it easy for customers to share feedback

By implementing these strategies, businesses can make it easier for customers to share feedback, resulting in higher response rates and a better understanding of customer insights. This valuable feedback can drive improvements, increase customer loyalty, and attract new customers by demonstrating a commitment to continually enhancing the customer experience.

1. Make it in-the-moment

Provide customers with a way to leave feedback precisely at the time and place of their experience. When the experience is still fresh in their memory and they can share their feedback immediately, the insights you gather are more accurate and reliable for taking prompt and effective actions.

2. Simplify the feedback process

Make it quick and easy for customers to share their feedback by streamlining the process. Use a concise feedback method with clear, straightforward survey questions that don’t require much time or effort.

3. Offer multiple feedback channels

Provide customers with different options to share their feedback, both in-store and online. Offer digital methods such as email surveys, online feedback forms, or live chat sessions, and physical methods such as in-moment feedback kiosks to cater to different preferences and engage customers across all channels.

4. Request feedback at various touchpoints

Ask for feedback when customers are in-the-moment and already have valuable insights. This could be after a purchase at the checkout, after a support interaction, or after a service is completed. Timing is crucial, so request feedback when the experience is still fresh in their memory.

5. Keep feedback surveys concise

Avoid overwhelming customers with lengthy feedback forms or surveys. Ask for information that is truly essential to gather the insights you need. Lengthy surveys can cause unnecessary friction, incomplete or disingenuous feedback, and lower response rates. Instead, prioritize the quality of questions over quantity to encourage higher participation and more meaningful responses.

5 things to avoid when asking for customer feedback

When collecting customer feedback, it’s important to approach the process carefully and avoid certain pitfalls that could hinder the effectiveness of your efforts. Here are five things to avoid when asking for customer feedback:

1. Lengthy and complex surveys

Avoid overwhelming customers with long and complicated surveys. Keep the questions concise and focused on gathering the most relevant information. Long surveys can cause unnecessary resistance, incomplete or insincere feedback, and lower response rates. Instead, prioritize the quality of the questions over quantity to encourage higher participation and more meaningful responses.

2. Vague or suggestive questions

Be cautious with the wording and structure of your questions. Avoid using vague or suggestive questions that can influence the answers or confuse customers. Ensure your questions are clear, specific, and free from potential biases. This allows customers to provide honest feedback, which is essential for obtaining accurate insights.

3. Not capturing feedback in real-time

Capturing feedback at the exact moment and place of the experience is essential for various reasons. It not only provides authentic and accurate feedback insights but can also help prevent the escalation of unintended dissatisfaction by giving customers the opportunity to share their negative feedback immediately, rather than expressing it on other platforms or to friends and family.

4. Neglecting to take action on feedback

 Following up on the previous point, customers appreciate when their feedback is acknowledged and followed up on. Avoid the mistake of collecting feedback without taking appropriate action. When customers take the time to provide their insights, show that their feedback is valued by implementing meaningful changes based on their suggestions.

5. Not providing feedback follow-up

After customers have shared their feedback, it’s essential to close the loop and provide follow-up communication. Avoid leaving customers in the dark after they have provided their input. Whether it’s a thank-you message, an update on the changes made based on their feedback, or simply letting them know their feedback was received, providing follow-up demonstrates your commitment to their satisfaction and enhances the overall feedback experience.



Businesses can foster stronger customer relationships and drive positive outcomes by following proven methods like simplifying the feedback process, offering multiple channels, using visual feedback methods, requesting feedback at appropriate touchpoints, and continuously seeking feedback.

Frequently asked questions 

How do visual feedback surveys save time for customers and businesses?

Visual feedback surveys save time by allowing customers to express their opinions and sentiments quickly and easily through visuals like images or emojis. Instead of typing lengthy responses, customers can provide feedback with a simple click or tap, making the process more efficient for both parties.

Why are HappyOrNot smiley faces appealing for customer feedback?

HappyOrNot smiley faces simplify the feedback process by minimizing the need for customers to describe their experience with words (although open text is available for those customers who wish to share more). These intuitive smiley face icons range from extremely happy (dark green) to extremely unhappy (dark red), making it easier, intuitive, and more appealing for customers to provide feedback at a glance.

How do pop-ups make it easy to collect feedback?

Pop-ups present feedback requests to customers at opportune moments without disrupting their browsing experience. By using unobtrusive windows that display visual elements like smiley faces or rating scales, pop-ups offer a convenient and hassle-free way for customers to express their opinions and submit feedback.

Why is obtaining qualitative feedback important for businesses?

Qualitative feedback provides in-depth insights into customer experiences, preferences, and pain points. It goes beyond numerical data, offering businesses valuable information and context to make informed decisions, improve products and services, and enhance customer experience.

How to ask feedback from customers in a way that drives insights?

Businesses can gain valuable insights into their customers’ needs, preferences, and expectations by analyzing and synthesizing customer feedback. This insight allows companies to make data-driven decisions, identify areas for improvement, and align their strategies to better serve their target audience.



10 benefits of constant customer feedback and why it matters

Customer experience 04.07.2023 Translated by:

10 benefits of constant customer feedback and why it matters

Through customer feedback surveys, online surveys or even direct interactions with customers, companies can gather valuable information about customers, what improvements they want and what may be causing dissatisfaction.

In this article, we discuss the 10 benefits of constant customer feedback:

  1. Why it matters
  2. How companies can better understand their customers’ preferences, needs and    pain points; and
  3. How constant customer feedback benefits your business

What is a benefit of constant customer feedback?

A key benefit of constant customer feedback is gaining valuable customer insights. When companies consistently collect customer feedback, they gain deeper insights through detailed feedback on their preferences, needs and pain points.

Through direct feedback surveys, online surveys or even direct interactions with customers, companies can gather valuable information about what customers value most, what improvements they desire and what may be causing dissatisfaction.

In addition, constant customer feedback allows companies to identify emerging trends and market demands. By staying abreast of customer feedback, companies can proactively adapt their offerings to customers’ changing needs and preferences.


9 more benefits of customer feedback

Constant customer feedback offers companies many more benefits than just gaining valuable customer insights. Let’s take a look at 9 additional benefits that highlight the importance of effectively collecting and using customer feedback.

  1. Improve customer satisfaction

By actively collecting and processing customer feedback, companies can identify areas for improvement and address      customer concerns directly. This leads to greater customer satisfaction because companies can make necessary adjustments to their operations, products and services or personnel management to meet customer expectations and provide a better overall experience.

  1. Increase customer retention

When customers feel heard and valued by having their feedback acknowledged and acted upon, they are more likely to remain loyal to a company. Constant customer feedback helps companies identify and address issues that may lead to customer dissatisfaction, increasing customer retention.

  1. Promote customer loyalty

Engaging customers in feedback processes and showing appreciation for their input creates a sense of connection and loyalty. Companies can build strong relationships with customers by demonstrating a commitment to continuous improvement based on customer feedback, making them more likely to become loyal customers and advocates for the brand.

  1. Attract new customers

Positive customer feedback shared on review platforms, social media or through word of mouth acts as powerful social proof. When potential customers see the positive feedback from existing customers, it influences their purchasing decisions and they are more likely to choose your company over competitors.

  1. Improve the customer experience

Constant feedback helps companies understand customers’ expectations and pain points, allowing them to refine their products, services and processes. Companies can deliver an exceptional customer experience that sets them apart from competitors by constantly iterating and improving based on customer feedback.

  1. Drive innovation

Customer feedback often includes valuable suggestions and feature requests. By actively listening to customers and incorporating their ideas, companies can drive innovation and develop new products or services that meet customer needs and wants, which in turn leads to retention and loyalty.

  1. Make informed business decisions

Customer feedback is a reliable source of information to make informed business decisions. Companies can gain insight into market trends, customer preferences and crucial factors that influence their target market by analyzing feedback patterns and trends.

  1. Improve brand reputation

By actively seeking and valuing customer feedback, companies demonstrate their commitment to customer satisfaction and their willingness to listen and improve. This improves their brand reputation and promotes trust and credibility with existing and potential customers.

  1. Staying ahead of competitors

Constant customer feedback keeps companies abreast of market demands, emerging trends and customer expectations. By using customer insights, companies can proactively adjust their strategies and offerings to stay ahead of the competition and maintain a competitive edge.


How do you use customer feedback to drive improvement?

To effectively make improvements using customer feedback, companies must take a structured and proactive approach. Here are 5 key steps to harness the power of customer feedback and turn it into tangible improvements:


  1. Collect comprehensive feedback

Use online and offline customer feedback surveys to gather insights directly from your customers. Ask specific questions about their experiences, preferences and areas for improvement. Make sure the user-friendly customer feedback survey allows for open-ended responses to gather valuable, in-depth feedback.

  1. Act on feedback immediately

Once you have collected customer feedback, prioritize immediate action. Analyze feedback to identify recurring themes, prioritize areas for improvement and determine actionable steps. Respond immediately to customer feedback, acknowledging their input and providing updates on the progress of changes or improvements.

  1. Engage relevant stakeholders

Share customer feedback with relevant teams and departments within your organization. Consider customer service, product development, marketing and operations. Collaboration and open communication are a must to ensure all departments are on the same page to address customer feedback and make improvements.

  1. Make necessary changes

Based on customer feedback, make necessary changes to improve your products, services or processes. This may include refining features, improving customer service, streamlining processes, offering additional staff training or developing new offerings based on customer requests and suggestions. Regularly evaluate the impact of these changes on customer satisfaction and make adjustments as needed.

  1. Communicate improvements to customers

Keep your customers informed about the changes and improvements you have made based on their feedback. Show your commitment to their satisfaction and let them know that their voice is appreciated. By sharing improvements, you build trust and encourage continued customer engagement and loyalty.


5 tested options to get more customer responses 

When collecting customer feedback, using clear and concise survey questions can be an effective strategy to get more responses and gather valuable insights. Here are some tips on how to use leading questions to get more responses:


  1. Make it easy

Offer your customers a way to provide feedback that is quick, easy and intuitive. By minimizing the amount of friction and time required, such as a quick tap of a button that can be done in-the-moment without stopping, companies can significantly increase engagement and gather honest, real-time feedback from customers.

  1. Be clear and specific

Draft your questions so that they are easy to understand and leave no room for ambiguity. Clearly state the purpose of the question and what kind of answer you are looking for. Specificity helps customers provide more targeted feedback, resulting in more meaningful insights.

  1. Enable open-ended questions

Open-ended questions allow customers to provide detailed answers and share their thoughts freely. Instead of asking yes/no questions, use scaled questions and ask follow-up questions so customers can elaborate on their experiences, opinions and suggestions. This approach yields rich qualitative data and a deeper understanding of customers’ perspectives.

  1. Personalize the questions

Tailor the questions to each customer or segment of your customer base. By personalizing the questions based on their previous interactions, purchase history or preferences, you show that you value their individual experiences. Personalization creates a sense of relevance and encourages customers to participate in the feedback process.

  1. Make it conversational

Ask your questions in a conversational tone so customers feel more comfortable and engaged. Avoid using jargon or technical language that can confuse or intimidate respondents. Create a friendly and approachable atmosphere through your survey to create a sense of trust and encourage honest answers.



Collecting and using customer feedback is extremely important for companies that want to thrive in today’s competitive landscape. The benefits are significant, from gaining valuable customer insights to improving the customer experience.

By actively collecting and processing customer feedback, companies can improve customer satisfaction by addressing areas of improvement immediately. This leads to increased customer loyalty, as customers feel heard and valued.


Frequently Asked Questions

How can my company benefit from constant customer feedback?

Constant customer feedback provides valuable insights into customer preferences, needs and pain points, allowing businesses to improve customer satisfaction, increase retention, attract new customers and improve the overall customer experience.

Can customer feedback help my company stay ahead of the competition?

Absolutely! Constant customer feedback keeps companies abreast of market demands and emerging trends. By using customer insights, businesses can proactively adjust their strategies and offerings to stay ahead of the competition.

Is customer feedback important for small businesses?

Yes, customer feedback is essential for businesses of all sizes. It helps small businesses better understand their customers, make informed decisions and make improvements that can improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.

How can customer feedback lead to valuable insights?

Customer feedback provides valuable insights into market trends, customer preferences and crucial factors that influence your target audience. Analyzing feedback patterns and trends helps companies gain meaningful insights that inform decision-making and drive growth.

Can customer feedback help me identify and address dissatisfied customers?

Absolutely! Constant customer feedback enables companies to quickly identify dissatisfied customers and address their issues. Companies can turn dissatisfied customers into loyal advocates by solving problems and demonstrating their commitment to customer satisfaction.


The new 3 Ps of customer experience in retailing

Retail- 11.04.2023

When we think about what constitutes the customer experience, we can narrow it down to the 3 Ps: People, Product, and the newcomer to the group, Presentation.

Why presentation? While process is and will continue to be an important element in delivering a great experience, it is not something that customers technically see when they visit your store. We believe what customers see, hear and feel greatly influences the customer experience, which is why we are introducing Presentation as the new third P.

When a customer walks through your door, the first things they see are your products, the [store’s] presentation and your people [staff]. The connection to

the customer experience is made by how these 3 P’s make them feel during their shopping journey. As Dr. Maya Angelou’s famous quote goes, “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

If you want to improve your customer experience – and you should in these tough economic times – you need to identify what affects each P and which actions will give you the fastest and most impactful improvements. After all, customer experience can be a differentiator when price competition and intensified competition hit you.

Use customer feedback to improve operations

In tough times, speed is also essential. Therefore, you need to be able to take action quickly to improve your operations and keep your customers happy. But fast should not be arbitrary. Actions must be data-driven, informed, and focused on your key target segments to really make a difference. It’s a surefire way to win over the competition.

So how do you make quick but meaningful operational improvements? You need feedback that is easy to understand. When you look at the feedback, know the following: Are your people [staff] well trained? Do your product offerings meet customer needs? Are customers put off by the presentation of your store?

The new 3 Ps: People, Product, Presentation

Let’s delve into the 3 Ps:


When you think about people – or your staff – there can be several things that affect the customer experience, which is why it is imperative that you understand the core problem so you can figure out how to solve it.

Let’s say customers leave dissatisfied feedback about the speed of service. This will prompt you to examine your schedule and number of visitors to discover possible correlating factors, such as insufficient staffing at peak times of the day or day of the week to provide prompt customer service.

Another example is negative feedback from customers about staff knowledge, which means that the level of expertise is a problem. In this case, initiating

training programs will not only help solve the customer experience problem, but also be a motivational tool for employees by investing in them.

The most important thing is to ensure that your team feels able and empowered to provide great service to your customers every time.



Customer feedback can also provide insight into problems with your products. Typically, categories of product-related problems come down to availability, quality, price, or that the product simply no longer meets the values of your key target customer segments.

Reliable data will help you determine where to start and what actions to take. For example, it could be as simple as rearranging your merchandise or adjusting inventory levels. Alternatively, you may need to reassess your positioning or conduct new market research on the products your target audiences prefer and revamp your product selection.

Whatever the reasons, and the actions you take should be based on insights gained through customer experience feedback.


Sometimes, even if your staff’s service is excellent and you have the perfect products for your customer base, it is necessary not to underestimate the impact of presentation on the customer experience.

Store layout, product displays, cleanliness of facilities, clarity of price tags, visibility of special offers, or other practical issues can ruin the experience and turn customers away. You want to make sure your store is inviting, clean, and easy to navigate so that customers can quickly find what they need (and maybe a little more!) and want to come back again and again.

Also remember that these things may be valued differently by different customer segments, and so it’s about knowing what

see your key target customers as the main drivers for visiting and returning to your store.

How HappyOrNot helps

We at HappyOrNot are passionate about customer experience and have been serving retailers around the world for years by providing them with immediate and actionable customer feedback.

Our solution reveals the highlights and pain points of your service performance. It tells you what happened, when it happened, where it happened, why it’s important and with whom it happened. By giving your employees this information, they can take responsibility, meet customer expectations and deliver great experiences that keep your customers coming back!

Want to know more? Contact us today!

Net Promoter Score (NPS) – The quick guide

Customer experience-13.04.2023

What is NPS and how does it work?

NPS is often considered the gold standard in customer experience. First developed in 2003 by Bain and Company, it is now used by millions of companies to measure and track how they are perceived by their customers. The system is based on a single question asking customers to indicate on a scale of 0-10 how likely they are to recommend a company to a friend or colleague. The results are then grouped into three categories: detractors (customers giving a score of 0-6), passives (customers giving a score of 7-8), and promoters (customers giving a score of 9-10).

When to use NPS and what it measures

NPS is appropriate when you want to measure how likely customers are to return, or when you want to know how loyal your customers are to your brand. It is based on a single question, typically measured by the standard NPS survey with 11 scales, with results displayed on a scale from -100 to +100. It is a good measure to see if your customers would use your company’s services again.

Benefits as a management tool

NPS provides insight into long-term loyalty and is a good tool for management because it can be correlated to greater business growth. By tracking scores over time, companies can see if their customer satisfaction is improving or declining. This information can be used to identify areas where improvements are needed, and to make decisions about how to improve the customer experience.

Limitations and how to overcome them

The NPS system is easy to use and intuitive, but it is usually not specific enough. Companies need to supplement it with other statistics or surveys to get a more complete picture of customer satisfaction. Moreover, some customers are reluctant to recommend a company to others even if they are satisfied with the service received. To overcome these limitations, it is important to use NPS in conjunction with other tools and to take a holistic approach to customer satisfaction measurement.

How HappyOrNot can help with NPS

HappyOrNot provides a calculation to convert the Happy Index into an NPS. This allows companies to use real-time customer feedback data to measure their NPS scores and track them over time. Learn more about HappyOrNot Analytics.

Happy Index – The quick guide

Happy Index is the original index used when reporting the results of HappyOrNot surveys. It is the perfect complement to the original four Smileys used to measure and improve the customer experience.

What is the Happy Index used for?

The Happy Index is typically used to measure customer satisfaction, either in general or on a specific topic immediately following the experience. The index value can be used to compare results from different time periods and locations. The beauty is that there are many data points and thus benchmarks of the Happy Index. More than 1.7 billion to be exact.

A good example of when you can use the Happy Index is when you want to measure your customers’ overall perception of your business to understand if your business has met customer expectations.


How is the index calculated?

The Happy Index can range from 0 to 100. The index is calculated using a formula that gives different weights to the green, light green, light red and red Smileys to measure the index.


Now you may be wondering why there are only 4 response options. We originally designed our four Smileys and the Happy Index to be optimally suited to capture opinions about services and products that the user has just used. Since people cannot be neutral, it is ideal to receive specific opinions from users.

The Happy Index is an example of a Likert scale. Likert scales can be used to gauge a person’s attitude by measuring the extent to which they agree or disagree with a particular question or statement, making it the perfect way to collect targeted opinions on a particular topic.


Want to learn more about our data? Check out our Analytics page.


Source :

Connect customer feedback with your target audience with HappyOrNot Demographics

Customer Experience: 02.02.2023

We all know that loyal customers buy more and bring in more money and help you build success in the long run. But do you really know if your service and offering will create loyalty?



Typically, trying to please everyone ends up pleasing no one, and the same goes for building customer experiences and loyalty. Offering customer experiences that are relevant and positive to your customer base, and ultimately turning them into loyal customers because you better understand their needs, can revolutionize your business. How is this made possible? By linking customer feedback to the demographics of your target audience


That’s where HappyOrNot Demographics comes in. Our Smiley Touch terminal with touch screen and AI technology has been upgraded to allow companies to unlock valuable demographic information about customers and combine it with actual feedback data for unprecedented insights. This additional layer of context to customer feedback means businesses can dig deeper into feedback insights and connect the WHERE with the what, when, where and why to make highly strategic marketing and operational changes.

With demographic data, you can understand whether your assortment and service really resonate with your target audience. For example, let’s say you are an apparel retailer and your target segment is young adult women. Wouldn’t it be good to be able to take customer feedback and look at the results of that group to see when, where and why specifically they are satisfied or not? Or why they buy or don’t buy?

One of Scandinavia’s largest sporting goods retailers, XXL, and long-term customer of HappyOrNot, explains the value of this innovation for retailers and businesses alike:

“By combining demographic data with customer satisfaction data, retailers can create a more detailed and nuanced picture of their customers and use this information to make informed business decisions,” says Kenneth G. Sørensen, Operations and Business Development Manager at XXL Sports & Outdoors. “For example, a retailer can use this data to identify specific customer segments that are particularly satisfied or dissatisfied with their products or services, and tailor their marketing and customer service strategies accordingly. This can help retailers improve customer loyalty and retention, and ultimately increase sales and revenue.”

 In addition to being able to focus on feedback from your main target audience, you can also discover hidden opportunities. Returning to our previous example of the clothing store, suppose that in reviewing customer feedback data you discover another group of customers – women between 45 and 54 – who make up a larger than expected portion of your customer base and are very satisfied with your service. Ta da! You have just discovered a new opportunity to target your marketing efforts.

“This was a challenging but very rewarding project dealing with new AI-based technology as the executor of this function,” says Manu Karppelin, Head of Product Management at HappyOrNot. “I’m excited that we can now bring this unique innovation to market and help our customers with much deeper insights about their customers and visitors and what could drive loyalty.”


How it works?

When a person provides feedback on a Smiley Touch, the built-in camera detects a person present and the AI-driven facial analysis software estimates the age group and gender. It is important to note that there is never any identification of an actual person.  The image data is captured as a 128-dimencion vector where the AI determines the demographic information. This means that no images are stored or seen by human eyes, and it is impossible to retrieve or recover an identifiable image from the vector.

The feedback data can be viewed in reports that can be screened to show feedback from target groups you want to analyze. You can select and deselect groups to get a different view.

The demand for privacy cannot be overemphasized in today’s world, so the ability to retrieve demographic data without identifying the person is critical. In keeping with strict requirements, the device is protected against theft and cyber threats, and all data traffic between the Smiley Touch and analytics is encrypted. In this article, Sanjay Mehta, Head of Industry and Commerce at Lucidworks says, “Enabling privacy regulations such as CCPA and GDPR will shift the focus of personalization from using explicit consumer data to more predictive approaches such as neural and vector-based approaches.” 

 Want to learn more about adding demographic data to your customer feedback? Contact us now.


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How the HappyOrNot solution has served its customers in 2022
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Customer Experience- 21.12.2022

How the HappyOrNot solution has served its customers in 2022


HappyOrNot is all about helping companies reveal customer experience insights to improve their operations. Since we are in the business of collecting customer feedback, of course we also collect feedback from our own customers!

Just like the thousands of brands that rely on HappyOrNot to lead their businesses to better customer satisfaction, we also rely on our own customer surveys to ensure that we develop our solution to provide the best value and enable our customers to achieve their goals.

In our 2022 kick-off blog post, we shared that our goal was to provide richer and deeper customer experience insights and further improve the ability to measure the omni-channel customer experience. As the year progressed, we listened, learned and developed, we want to share some of those highlights with you.

“The honest and open feedback from our customers is truly invaluable,says Manu Karppelin, head of Product Management. “We want to verify that we are focusing on the right improvements so we can help our customers achieve better service levels and business success. Our customers have confirmed that HappyOrNot helps site managers capture essential data, bridge gaps and track performance over time, making it a real tool for service improvement.”

Our customers find great value in HappyOrNot and would be much less happy without it. We continue to improve the product-market fit and have succeeded in meeting the needs of operational managers in particular.

This goal of enabling richer and deeper insights has been our driving force throughout the year and continues to be in 2023.

In analyzing the feedback to understand the key benefits from the customers’ perspective, three recurring keywords emerged: “insight,” “feedback” and “improvement.” These keywords represent the areas that our customers believe provide the most benefit and value to them. This means they can listen to their customers and get lots of feedback, giving them invaluable insights to improve their operations.

Manu continued: “I am happy to see that we understand our customers’ needs and are equipped to meet their personal needs. While there is no magic bullet that solves everything and suits everyone, we remain true to our key differentiators – ease of use, scalability and confidence in data. We are confident in our position to take on new and exciting challenges with our customers in the future.”

During the year, our R&D team was also busy updating the platform to enable smooth, efficient future development. We will continue to improve our services, focusing on our customers’ needs without sacrificing ease of use and unparalleled feedback volumes.

We will continue to keep you informed of our exciting new developments in the new year!